Cogo Logo

Bring your team’s content together in one place

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Publish to Cogo easily
Knowledge sharing starts with bringing together all your valuable files into one place. Once centralized on Cogo, your content starts to create value for your entire team and organization.
Cogo Publish easily
Cogo Items


Drag and drop any file type into Cogo. Items can be documents, spreadsheets, images, links, presentations, videos or just a note.

Cogo Supporting Content

Supporting Content

An item can also have supporting content, like a user guide, a video, or links to source files.

Cogo Rich Text Editing

Rich Text Editing

While you can add content from external sources, you can also write content directly in Cogo. You can style your text, and link to other items.

Cogo Versioning


All content in Cogo is versioned to maintain traceability and easily rollback any changes.

Cogo Curate and give Feedback

Curate and give Feedback

Get inspired and continuously improve
Effortlessly find the best most relevant content shared by your team members or by colleagues anywhere else in the company.
Cogo Collections


Collections are lists of items. This is a perfect way to curate a list of items for a specific need like new starter onboarding checklists, recommended reading, and 'best of' lists.

Cogo Tags


With tags you can easily drill down to the content you are looking for. Over time, Cogo will learn to automatically suggest tags for items.

Cogo Comments


Each item has a discussion space that allows you to get feedback and share experiences to continuously improve.


Locate favourite items easily
Locate the most relevant content with our powerful and fast search engine, or easily go back to your personal favorites.
Cogo Locate favourite items easily
Cogo Search


Intuitive and powerful, our instant search engine crawls through every word in every item to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Cogo Magic


Cogo’s ‘Magic’ option sorts items and collections based on a unique cocktail of popularity, quality, interaction and other criteria, making every day just a bit more magical.

Cogo Profiles


Everything that’s being published to Cogo has an owner and contributors. Discover the thought leaders in your organization, today.

Cogo Stars


If you like a particular content item you can star it. Stars will act as a bookmark, and act as a reward for content owners and contributors.

Cogo Share and present seamlessly


Share and present seamlessly
Easily share that great presentation, article or video with anyone or present it directly from Cogo in presentation mode!
Cogo Viewer


Whether you add presentations, documents, spreadsheets, pdfs, links or videos, Cogo has a great viewer for displaying that content directly in Cogo on any device

Cogo Presentation mode

Presentation mode

Anywhere in Cogo you can go into a distraction-free presentation mode making it really simple to quickly present items for a meeting with your team, or with a client on the spot.

Cogo Access rights

Access rights

Share an item with the whole organization (we love open knowledge sharing), or you can choose to keep it private to a particular group of people.

Cogo External sharing

External sharing

Share items with people outside your organization, control exactly who has access and revoke access any time.

Cogo for Enterprises

How does Cogo work for large organizations?

From its inception, Cogo was tested and used within large organizations. Find out more about what Cogo Enterprise can do for your organisation.

Learn more

Build your own content library in minutes.